Jonny’s Wagon
“Partnering With Communities To Help End Hunger In America”
Call Us At (888) 471-8311 Ext 712
At Jonny’s Wagon caring for our country’s most vulnerable is what we do! You can help by donating a single meal, canned goods, and non-perishable food items, or by partnering with us by setting up monthly giving that will help us continue to provide for those in need!
Help Feed Our Homeless
What Does Hunger Look Like In America?
- A struggling young single mother working 3 jobs just trying to make ends meet!
- A senior couple who desperately need their medications facing the arduous task of having to choose between their medicine or dinner for the night.
- A pregnant teenager who has run away from home and hasn’t eaten in days.
- And yes, a homeless couple struggling to find their next meal.
For just a few dollars a month you can partner with Jonny’s Wagon and immediately become part of the solution to end hunger in America! Won’t you join us?
How Jonny’s Wagon Is Helping Communities End Hunger In America
Your generous support will make an impact on those less fortunate in the US by allowing us to stock emergency food pantries, provide warm meals through our mobile food kitchen, and by offering prayers and hope to those who are hungry and hurting in America.
Critical Food Supplies Reach Eastern Kentucky Mission Partners
Critical Food Supplies Reach Eastern Kentucky Mission Partners. Photos: Volunteers help unload and sort food that will be distributed over Thanksgiving and Christmas to more than 175 families in Owsley County, Kentucky. Jonny's Wagon, an outreach of My Daily Armor...
Jonny’s Wagon Providing Early Education On Hunger In America
Jonny's Wagon Providing Early Education On Hunger In America. Barbara and I were so blessed to have had the opportunity to spend the entire day with the nearly 500 students at Blue Lick Elementary School. The students are helping Jonny's Wagon provide food for the 3rd...
“Street Church” Jonny’s Wagon Bringing The Gospel To Our Homeless
"Street Church" Jonny's Wagon Bringing The Gospel To Our Homeless. My Daily Armor’s "Street Church" is without walls or boundaries. We’ve always felt that our people are the church, giving us the distinct advantage of ministering to others wherever they are. In this...
Jonny’s Wagon
an outreach of
My Daily Armor Ministries
A 501c-3 Organization
Tax ID: 45-4573071
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Feed America’s Hungry
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Connect With Us
Phone (M-F 10 AM – 5 PM)
Toll-Free: (888)471-8311
[email protected]
Jonny’s Wagon
PO Box 373
Hillview, KY 40129
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Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
My Daily Armor Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible in full or in part. © 2024 My Daily Armor Ministries, MyDailyArmor.Org, AmazingOrphans.Org, JonnysWagon.Org. All rights reserved.