Amazing Orphans International Projects
“Care For Vulnerable, Orphaned, And Abandoned Children And The Communities They Live In.”
Amazing Children’s Home, Hope For India’s Most Vulnerable Children!
AOI’s Amazing Children’s Home
Children’s Home Project
India – Project Completed February 2023
Extreme Poverty In India Affects God’s Children In Many Ways!
Life in the slums of India is hard, especially for children. Children often find themselves abandoned by their parents (for many reasons, financial, and death among the leading causes), leaving them with the nearly impossible task of caring for themselves and even their younger siblings.
Many children beg for food and money during the day from those who pass them by on the crowded streets, and young girls are especially susceptible to child marriage and a life of prostitution.
Additionally, education takes a back seat, leaving many children without hope of ever leaving their poverty and the potential to make a living wage.
Unless the children find support through organizations like Amazing Orphans International, many will die young and not make it to adulthood.
But There Is Hope!
In a remote village in India, you will find Sister Mary and her husband, Brother Raghava, Amazing Orphans International’s mission partners who care for 24 beautiful children who were once among India’s most vulnerable little ones.
Brother Raghava knows firsthand what it’s like to be a child living on the streets of India. From a very early age, he found himself, by no fault of his own, living on the streets, fighting to survive. It made such an impact on his life that he vowed to care for children who were just like him, India’s most vulnerable, orphaned, and abandoned children (street children, they’re called).
Today, Brother Raghava and Sister Mary are known and loved throughout their community for their work with our little ones. Providing a place to live, a Christian environment, meals, clothing, healthcare, and an education. And, if caring for our little ones was not enough, they can frequently be found providing for the homeless and those in need in their community.
New School Provides Hope To Underprivileged Children!
AOI’s King Jesus School
School Project
Ghana, West Africa – Completed December 2022
Deep in the heart of Ghana, West Africa is the remote town of Tepa.
A very hard six-hour drive from the capital, Accra, you wouldn’t easily find it on a map, and if you were driving through it and blinked, you might miss it!
But, as small and remote as this little town is, it serves a very special purpose by Western standards. It is home to the King Jesus School and Orphanage and represents a beacon of hope to hundreds of children from the surrounding villages.
It’s a happy place where children go to learn, and are taught about Jesus, and more often than not have the only warm meal they will receive on any given day.
In 2019 Pastor Stephen recognized the urgency in replacing his aging school, and with the support of “AOI” Amazing Orphans International (an outreach of My Daily Armor Ministries), a new school was designed, and construction began.
“It was a true leap of faith believing God would provide the funding necessary to complete the project.” With nearly $25,000 currently invested in the new school, we are looking for the Lord to provide an additional $15,000 to help us complete the project.
Roofing, floors, electrical, doors, windows, and desks are just a few things your much-needed support will provide.
“We are looking to God’s people to help us complete the new King Jesus School and Orphanage,” says Pastor Stephen

The Living Word Primary School!
The Living Word Primary School
School Project
Tororo, Uganda – Completed May 2019
No Doors, No Windows, No Floors. A Tiny School Village Reaches Out For Hope And AOI “Amazing Orphans International” Was There!
Just a short drive from the small town of Tororo, Uganda you will find a tiny school village called the “Living Word Primary School”.
When we arrived, there were no doors, windows, floors, or even desks, but they did have the most important thing: they had Jesus!
As soon as the need was identified, AOI partnered with Pastor Joseph of Liberty Ministries to complete the project, and within months, the school was completed, and students began using their new classrooms.
“AOI” Care For The World’s Most Vulnerable Little Ones, And The Communities They Live In.
If you’ve ever dreamed of doing something amazing that will change your life and the lives of so many others, then AOI can help! We build farms, schools, medical clinics, feed communities (both physically and spiritually), and so much more!
Getting started is easy, and it all begins by reaching out to us at [email protected], where we’ll begin to discuss your dreams of making the world a better place for children and their communities.
Damou Medical Clinic!
Little Boy “Dudley” Is Hit In A Horrific Motorcycle Accident!
Damou Medical Clinic Officially Opens To The Public!
Jacmel, Haiti – Completed January 27th, 2019
After more than a year and thousands of hours developing plans for the Damou Medical Clinic, including multiple visits to Haiti to evaluate the need, review the site, meetings with numerous contractors and suppliers, and formation of professional affiliations within the international medical community to leverage their connections, talents, and resources. I am excited to announce that Damou Medical Clinic is officially open to the public in Jacmel, Haiti!
It has been an amazing journey that would not have been possible without the tireless work and support of so many amazing people who helped us along the way.
I would like to thank Ms. Kay for convincing me to visit Haiti in 2017. Ms. Kay knew that God was calling her there for something special, and I am grateful for her heart, and the friendship that we have developed over the years.
I would also like to thank our wonderful mission partners, Damou Christian Mission (Ms. Jessica and Louben’s), including Dr. Wilbert and Pastor Zamor “Z” (who have become a part of our extended family) for sharing their vision with us. They have all spent months working countless hours with our US team, local contractors, and the Haitian Government to help make Damou Medical Clinic a reality.
No words describe our love and gratitude to Ms. Diana Burke, whose family foundation funded our Damou Medical Clinic Project (valued at over a half-million dollars, not including the land and buildings). Damou Medical Clinic would not have been possible without her backing and support. We will forever be grateful to God for bringing you into our lives and to your family for their heart to help the least of these around the world.
I also want to thank Ms. Mary, project lead for Damou Medical Clinic, whose medical knowledge and tenacity proved invaluable throughout the project and for her friendship and time spent listening to all my concerns (of which there were many) along the way. We could not have done this without you, Ms. Mary.
Also, a very special thanks to Mr. Ian and Ms. Karley, MDA’s Jr. Leadership Team Leads for their team’s efforts in creating and delivering the birthing kits to Dr. Wilbert in Haiti. Their team saw this entire project through from beginning to end! Nicely done, guys! Lastly, a very special thank you to Supplies Overseas (Denise Sears) and TECH for their wonderful organizations that provided supplies and guidance along our journey. Their assistance was amazing and proved invaluable on an international level.
Others still supported us, our MDA Team (Ms. Cindy, Ms. Susan, Ms.Tonia, Ms. Kay, and Ian), including my beautiful wife Leslie, who endured months of my concerns to ensure the project came through as planned.
It was an amazing journey with people who have become more to us than friends; they’re family. Our hearts and love go out to each one of you. I can’t wait to see where God leads us next!
Tragedy Ends With Hope And Excitement!
A Tragic Bus Accident Leaves Two Children Injured, One Hospitalized!
King Jesus School and Orphanage School Bus Project
Ghana, West Africa – March 8th, 2018
Heard Across Ghana Radio! This was the news that hit the Ghanaian airwaves of many radio stations beginning Friday afternoon on March 8, 2018, at 5:15 in the afternoon (Ghana), reporting that some of our children were dead and others were severely injured!
To God be the Glory, there were no lives lost.
“Two of our boys went through the windscreen unto the road and were admitted. One has been discharged with a minor injury, while Kingsley is recovering from the shock of the accident. All the other children are free from injuries.”
The school bus on Friday, during a very heavy rain, nearly collided head-on with a much larger vehicle; our driver swerved the school bus from the collision to save the children’s lives. However, since the bridge was very narrow and a single lane, our bus hit the bridge. Thanks be to God it did not veer into the river or somersault.
This accident took away the only school bus that King Jesus School and Orphanage had. The incident was not only tragic but had very deep repercussions. They relied heavily on their bus to pick children up from the remote villages of Ghana, to provide a Christian education and the only meal many of the children would have that day.
“AOI”, Amazing Orphans International, was blessed to be able to raise the desperately needed funding to provide Pastor Stephen with a new school bus.
Videos – The children of AOI’s mission partners, “King Jesus School and Orphanage,” welcoming their new school bus home after a terrible accident took their only means of transportation and the only meal many of them have during the day.
King Jesus Farm, Providing Meals, And Hope To An Entire Community!
It All Started With A Phone Call And A Dream
King Jesus Farm Project
Ghana, West Africa – October 2017
AOI’s Ghana Farm Project will always hold a very special place in our hearts as AOI’s first international project. The 30-acre farm has gone on to become hugely successful, not only supplying food for the King Jesus School and Orphanage but also making them self-sufficient. Still, it has also provided jobs to more than 30 people in the local community.
But when the call came in from Pastor Stephen asking for help to make his dream a reality, we didn’t know at the time that God was already at work putting the pieces into place, and how quickly things would begin to move.
Shortly after Pastor Stephen’s call, as if on queue, I received a call from Ms. Diana regarding a child she had been sponsoring through our AOI Child Sponsorship Program. She had heard our message and sponsored one of our children at a 64 to Grayson concert at her local church and had called with a question.
As I often love to do whenever talking to one of our sponsors, I shared information about what was happening at the King Jesus School and Orphanage. Because I had just been talking with Pastor Stephen, and it was still fresh on my mind, I shared his dream of owning his own farm and becoming self-sufficient.
Pastor Stephen had long dreamed of owning his own farm and providing meals to his 400-plus children at the school. It just so happened that Ms. Diana had just started a foundation to help charities like ours, and she wanted to meet to discuss us becoming her first grant recipient.
That meeting led to what is now known as the King Jesus Farm, a 30-acre farm just outside of Tepa, Ghana, in West Africa. As I write this, I am absolutely certain that God had his hands all over this project and that it has become successful because He blessed it.
Over the years, we have been blessed to see God at work, time and time again, within our ministry.
Won’t you please join us? Email us at [email protected] for more information.
Amazing Orphans International
an outreach of
My Daily Armor Ministries
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Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
My Daily Armor Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible in full or in part. © 2025 My Daily Armor Ministries, MyDailyArmor.Org, AmazingOrphans.Org, JonnysWagon.Org. All rights reserved.